Christie's All Butter Pastry Dough | Pie Eyed Love

Nectarine Raspberry Pie Recipe

Pie Crust Rolling Hack My pie crust recipe has remained unchanged since forgoing shortening several years ago, so I think of my pie-making as unchanged. Sagi (my fiancé and the man behind all things tech at Pie Eyed) found and edited a pie video that we shot last year revealing that growth (or at the […]

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Savory Tomato Pie

“There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other’s cooking & say it was good.” A framed StoryPeople print with this quote should hang […]

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Peach Berry Almond Crumble Pie

Sweet Surrender If the sweetest bit of surrender is inherent in pie baking, Sunday’s peach pie required downright capitulation. My plan was to make a lattice crust peach pie. I’m a huge fan of multi-fruit pies (or mashups as Emily calls them), but am so thrilled with the new bounty of local peaches in my […]

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Balsamic Strawberry Pie Recipe

Lessons from a Life Well Lived Today I attended the funeral of a woman I never met and was reminded that in the end, nothing is more important than how one makes people feel. It was a sad day for many, but also a joyous one because it was unquestionable that this woman lived fully […]

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Apple Blueberry Pie

First a Cook  I love ritual, especially those involving food and connection with family and friends. My favorite ritual is Friday night Shabbat dinners. It’s quite lovely when we get together with extended family for Shabbat, but I am especially fond of those that we share quietly in our dining room as a family of […]

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